
Dairy Project
New York
Hydros has completed the conceptual design for a project on a dairy in upstate New York. The dairy has approximately 7,500 milking cows and applied waste from a nearby cheese plant. The project will utilize a system design similar to the sample layout on this website. The project will utilize a $2 million grant from NYSERDA, and is collaborating with NIPA and Cornell University through the development phase.

Food Hub
This project has completed its feasibility study and conceptual design is underway. The hub contains a slaughter facility, processing plant and rendering facility. A state-of-the-art resource recovery and water treatment system using the Hydros standard configuration will serve the project. Air emissions, older and vector control associated with traditional facilities will largely be eliminated and the reuse of nutrients and water will be optimized.
Food Hub
Tracy, CA
This project will combine state-of-the-art dairy operations and cheese manufacturing. Current dairy and cheese factory on the premises will be upgraded and a state-of-the-art resource recovery and water treatment system will be added. The project is slated to provide renewable biogas fire powered for the Spirit of California, an entertainment and mixed-use commercial development nearby on approximately 2,200 acres.

Large Winery
Central Valley, CA
Hydros is working with a major winery to develop a conceptual design for resource recovery and water treatment. The design greatly reduces land application of winery waste water and will produce renewable power to be used at the winery.
Past Projects
The following projects feature technology designed for advanced modular water treatment systems for construction sites. The Principals at Hydros Agritech have advanced this technology and redefined its application specifically for the agriculture industry and its unique set of waste management needs.

Bay Bridge
San Francisco Bay, CA
Batch Treatment System
500 GPM
We designed, engineered, and installed a batch treatment system for pilings, utilizing a system of cofferdams, flocculation, and filtration for the removal of sediment.
Folsom Dam
Folsom, CA
Dewatering System
10,000 GPM
Following a site investigation and draining of the stilling basin, high levels of mercury were found in bottom sediment. We designed, engineered and installed a dewatering system to ensure that no mercury was sent down the river where a large salmon habitat is present. Later, the dam was raised six feet.
Sunridge Specific Plan
Rancho Cordova, CA
Dewatering System
10,000 GPM
The Sunridge Specific Plan was completed in July 2002, encompassing 2,606 acres and roughly 30,000 homes. The project is primarily residential, but is supplemented with commercial and office uses. Housing types consist mostly of single-family residential units, but also include multi-family garden apartments, townhouses, and condominiums. Four elementary schools are also designated in the project, in addition to 99 acres of parkland. The corresponding pictures represent one of the 12 mobile and modular hydro systems we designed to treat ground water and storm water. We worked with more than a dozen home builders including Lennar, KB Homes, US Homes, Centex, Woodside Homes, Winncrest, Cambridge, and JTS.
Devil's Slide
Pacifica, CA
Water Treatment System
650 GPM Each
Carved out of the steep cliff sides, Route 1 hugs the coastline for much of the distance between Pacifica and Montara, CA. In one part, the road crosses the Devil’s Slide region, a steep, unstable geological formation. This section of road has a long history of closure due to rockslides and land slippage. This project called for construction of two tunnel beneath San Pedro Mountain, each 30-feet wide and 4,200-feet long. At the northern end, a 1,000-feet bridge will span the valley at Shamrock Ranch. A re-alignment of Route 1 at the southern end will provide safe transition into and out of the tunnel. Approximately one-quarter mile south of the tunnel is the site of an Operations and Maintenance facility. An earthen embankment and vegetation-covered roof will help the facility blend with natural surroundings. Our team was contracted through to build two 650 GPM Treatment systems. One System has been set up to handle sediment removal and filtration for Stormwater run off. The other system has been set up to handle non-stormwater from the tunnel drilling. In addition to sediment removal and filtration, the non-stormwater system is also outfitted for hydrocarbon removal.